Our Recovery Services program serves youth and adults who are entering recovery from substance use disorders (problematic use of alcohol and drugs), problem gambling, and other addictions. We have more than three decades of experience providing culturally specific services, and we primarily serve clients who identify as Latinx and/or immigrants though our services are open to the general public.

We support community members by providing them with strategies and supports to reduce the harmful impact of addiction on their lives. Our team includes certified substance use disorder counselors, peer support specialists, and recovery mentors who have personal, lived experiences, and our entire team is fully bilingual.
- Groups: Education, Counseling, DUI, Relapse Prevention, Betting, Family Support, and Women’s Groups
- Counseling and Peer Mentorship: Individual Sessions, Family Sessions, Aftercare Recovery Support, Individual Mentor Sessions, Self-growth Activities, Mental Health Therapists
- Medical Support: Harm Reduction, Urine Tests, Medication for Substance use disorder
- Basic Needs: Rental Assistance, Employment Assistance, Transportation
In addition, our organization has the ability to provide support for individuals experiencing co-occurring substance use and mental health diagnosis.
As part of the treatment plan, we offer clients creative and community-building activities. This includes recreational outings, community gardening, sports, mutual-help meetings, and other recovery activities.
Research shows that including the entire family is crucial to long-term recovery success. For that reason, we provide support and learning opportunities for family members and they are welcome at all community events.
Recovery is possible. Contact us to learn more.
Main Office: (541) 687-2667
Direct: (541) 729-4417
Oregon Hopeline 24-hour Hotline: (541) 575-3769
Plaza is proud to be Lane County’s only culturally-specific Behavioral Health Resource Network.